Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Cute Poem to Pass Yourself

Ow... My body hurts.
I drank two Margaritas before 3 pm.
I woke up loopy doopy just after 5 pm. (Like a loser society.)
I am an office building that is 6 stories tall.
I'm watching The Intern starring Robert De Niro.
Anna Hathaway is a cute baby.
She tells me where to go in New York City.
She wrote me a poem to pass myself for 5 minutes.

I slept 12 hours. I know I need Big cheese Changes
for 12 year old daughters, Eat Steak Sandwiches
I read the doctors guidebook pamphlet.
I redirected shrimp boats into my left arteries.

Your stupid Brain Blood Coffin rockin'
Toasty Road Beds to North Africa
Suicide Mission for the Lord Jesus Christ -
I slept 16 men
in my basket
red thatch
I grew up
I ate her
red feelings
A bad Mickey Mouse
Crane construction on 6th Street
Arm Bone Crackin' almost 40 years old
Glass shatterin' 6 Solid People
Bodies riding meat trolleys.
Ocean savor death Pygmy
Riot, Bean Forest Roast.

... Finally,
I reached
for a nude painting,
her teary eyes,
bubbles gross triumph,
Fart doctor metaphysical
Seance Rhythm,
I thought we thought of our parents,
but 65 Million Land Bureau Grants
cannot prevent World Fires,
Dead Cows, Tried too hard,
Never did anything,
And never will do anything.

The pain made my vision split.
I read that Holy train took them,
Never bleeding a cellular prison,
Practically needed Two more
People leave forever,
The end.

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