Tuesday, May 29, 2018

10 10 Word Sentences

  1. Charles Freeman is a good doctor and a good friend.

  2. I caught the umbilical juice with a cypress for you.

  3. I hear sentences of Rome but wander through truant lands.

  4. I mean today to be a roadsign , slipping to sleep.

  5. A nice clean idea is shining like joy and release.

  6. I watch the parade on the television outside the facility.

  7. The doorman opened the door for me and my girl.

  8. Second City will hire two or three helpers, weather permitting.

  9. I saw Melissa at Christine's homecoming shindig last Sunday night.

  10. People find the time we need, then showbiz never lies. 

1. Charles

2. Cypress

3. Rome

4. Roadsign

5. Joy

6. Facility

7. Doorman

8. Weather

9. Christine

10. Showbiz

the end

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