Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Pop culture, Friend Zone

Is draining.  I am drain

Part of my body was still asleep but I could not tell which. I walked crookedly. I felt permanently damaged.

And the rest.

Kefir, Eggs, Olive oil, Cheez Roll, Chocolate doughnut

I hope I am not building myself an intricate Hell to hide in.

I got to stop thinking about suicide and murder.

Mindless distraction. I was so shaky and tense at the start of my shift yesterday.

This need for space. I saw trailers for 24 Exposures and Tiptoes. What is Men?

Get happy, shopping, fast food, car, music, clothes, TTTTTVVVVV... Inter inter inter inter inter inter net.

Mom came to my work. It was weird. Simple, easy staff meeting... Gone Forever.  What am I doing...

I have to think well....

Have to finish the story... Do not get blocked. Reader's Block.

Tim Tomorrow. Pat and Pat... 90% fear of moral responsibility... Paralysis... Thick constantears... Thumbelina... Twice. Nice

I have to start and outline A Wild Fish... Consuming animals, being animals, being aware.

I have to shower now, brb

I had to stop Friend Zone and listen to Cowboy Dan.

Pat, Bridge and I watched Creature Comforts America after going to Target and Double Daves.

I wonder if Aaron will like Cowboy Dan. I am going to email it and a song I made up and typed.

He texted me about Meghan, which I am glad about.

Here from last night, sing:

Your lips assume more than your eyes
When I wish upon a star, all the people who you are
Wish someone would save us from the seat
The best defeat is compromise

I am eternally grateful for my active memory... I wanted to ask Mom if she remembers something, but I can't remember what...

I try, I do

It is

I commented twice on a NorthSouthWhispers video by Jordan... I am afraid to say/type how pretty I think she is, because she is 16...

I just don't understand... completely... 2 Weeks by Grizzly Bears... Everyone here,,, New York, Toronto, just like NY but without all the stuff. -Gavin Valoure. I was listening to Bossypants, audiobook that I got for free thru the library... Saturday I masturbated in the employee restroom at a library, which I never thought I would do... I am such a stranger. I went to late Guardians of the Galaxy with Kit and Lorena and they talked about how great Schlitterbahn is. Then Kit and I played tons of N64 games at his house and I slept a little while and my legs sweated on the sheets until I took off the comforter.

I listened to ASMRRequests read Thumbelina and I cried when the sparrow took her to the white marble palace. Thumbelina cried a lot... I don't know if it has any morals... I think it's just beautiful.

I'll go email Aaron now... It's enough.

Later bob...

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