Sunday, April 23, 2017

Your counselor is

Carnell Colebrook-Claude

 From you
What is your gender?

How old are you?

What is your relationship status?

Have you ever been in counseling or therapy before?

How would you rate your current physical health?

How would you rate your current sleeping habits?

How would you rate your current eating habits?

Are you currently experiencing overwhelming sadness, grief, or depression?

Are you currently experiencing anxiety, panic attacks or have any phobias?

Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain?

Are you currently employed?

Do you consider yourself to be spiritual or religious?

Do you have any problems or worries about intimacy?

What is your orientation?
Not sure

Are you currently taking any medication?

Are you currently suicidal?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Who referred you to BetterHelp?
Saw a social media post

Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual.
Several Days

Little interest or pleasure in doing things.
More than half the days

Feeling down, depression or hopeless.
Several Days

Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much.
Several Days

Feeling tired or having little energy.
Several Days

Poor appetite or overeating.
More than half the days

Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down.
Nearly every day

Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television.
Nearly every day

Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way.
Several Days

How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people?
Very difficult

Which country are you in?
United States

Which state are you in?
 From BetterHelp (Apr 23, 17 10:55 pm)
Hi Gregory,

First, we want to congratulate you for reaching out for help. We understand that this process may be new and difficult for you. You have taken the first (and most courageous) step. You have been matched with a licensed and certified counselor who will guide you through the next steps.

So you're probably asking - how does this work? It's quite simple, actually. Just like with any counseling, you and your counselor will discuss any challenges you're facing or might face, and you will develop some positive ways to reach your goals. The difference is that you don't need to come to an office and you don't need to schedule any time out of your day. Instead, you can write whenever it's convenient for you, and move forward at a pace that you feel comfortable with.

Please note that your messages with your counselor aren't in real-time but it won't be too long before you get a response from your counselor. Your sessions also have another benefit - you can re-read and reflect on our conversations at any time. Often, going back to a conversation can be very helpful and it's one of those things that will help you and your counselor move forward together.

What happens if you feel you and your counselor don't connect well? While we try to match you with the best counselor for your needs, that can certainly happen! There are over 2,000 therapists who work on this platform and you can switch to work with another counselor at any time.

Thank you for trying BetterHelp, and for joining the community of 450,000 people who took steps to make a positive change in their lives. We'll now leave it to you and your counselor to get started!

BetterHelp Team
 From Carnell Colebrook-Claude (Apr 23, 17 10:55 pm)
Hi Gregory,

My name is Carnell Colebrook-Claude and I am a licensed therapist (license number LPC 76280, Other PMH1408).

Welcome to the online counseling room, which will be our private and secure place to communicate. This room is open 24/7, and you can enter it at any time, from any Internet-connected device wherever you are.

To help us get started, can you please tell me what brought you here? Just write a few short sentences about the challenges you're experiencing or what you would like to talk about and we will go from there.

Looking forward to working with you,

Carnell Colebrook-Claude (MA, LPC, PMHC, NCC, DCC)
 From you (Apr 23, 17 11:13 pm)
Just a few short sentences about challenges I'm experiencing and what I would like to "talk" about...

Hi, Carnell, cool name. Thank you for the message. I got to web page that required a 35 $ credit card charge, so I quit the process.

I think my main problem is being directionless, lazy, selfish, or uncaring.

I often feel guilty or worthless. I usually want to do nothing, or do useless or harmful activities.

I think I am mostly unhealthy, physically and mentally.

I have been living with my mother and pretending to go to college, but I quit several weeks ago.

I plan to take more classes.

I do not have a plan for my future.

I usually do not know what the purpose of doing anything is.

I am confused about reality, consciousness, time, eternity, God, et cetera.

I think I want to help people. I do not know how to begin. I have difficulty controlling my body a lot of the time.


i hope you're okay,

please don't waste time on me, if you think I am not in need of professional counseling,

sorry thanks for reading,


bye. Have a wonderful day/night/life. Thank you, Carnell Colebrook-Claude.

System Message (Apr 23, 17 11:13 pm)
Gregory confirmed this information form.
 From Carnell Colebrook-Claude (Apr 23, 17 11:50 pm)
Hi Gregory,
Thank you for sharing your story with me. Living a life to please everyone is difficult.
What confuses you about reality, consciousness, time, eternity, God?
 From Carnell Colebrook-Claude (Apr 23, 17 11:53 pm)
Please know that you are not a waste of time. You are valuable Just like everyone else in the world.
 From you (12:54 am)
Thanks for responding so quickly. I hope you and I can grow from these messages.

about reality... I wonder why this universe-thing exists. I wonder why pain exists and why it's better to avoid it... Why people hurt each other. i wonder what i will be after I die. I wonder what i should do with my life. I wonder what or who god is, what god does, if god is real.

My best friend, really my only real friend, is convinced that God is the Christian trinity. I believe everything he says and trust him completely. But I feel like i'll never be sure about anything, and I wonder if anyone can ever know anything for sure.

I confuse myself, more than anything. I feel like I am in control of only a tiny bit of myself.

I get distracted very easily. For about ten years, my primary goal has been to be healthy and eat healthily, supporting a sustainable beautiful world. But I kept falling back on the junk food culture around me. I am lucky to have been mostly healthy my whole life.

I get upset and overwhelmed often, thinking about the extreme suffering that millions go through every day. I wonder how I can make life better for the most people possible. Is it better to try to fix the roots of problems, help people be able to help them selves, make life better for future people. Or should I just try to fix people's immediate problems, like by giving them food or medical care or money or counseling or anything they want or need.

i like writing in general. i wish i would read more. i have started to read many books and stopped after a little bit. I still hope i will finish them. I think sometimes it would be good if i were an engineer or scientist.

Or I just watch TV, waste time, get online, eat whatever fast food and candy with my mom... and wait to die or wait for her to die, hoping my life will be better and easier when she does.

Sorry this is so much. I don't really expect you to help me figure anything out.

Thanks. - gregory

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