Monday, July 25, 2016

Slow Drunk Lazy Cowboy Gospel

I walk through your light
I never see any sight

I'm growing old
Hairs grey, blood cold

Golden water is the sky,

Bluest high,

Slowest sigh

Glory, glory

I will see ya

Soon. I'm done for 

The day.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Waxes My Boner

"This band waxes my boner!"

Waxes my boner - Causes me to feel indescribable joy and satisfaction

Diary, The Beast in Me

We saw Captain Fantastic last night.

I love that movie.

I am low energy right now.

The past three days, I was very anxious and sad, among other feelings.

I am listening to the album Throbbing Pouch by Wagon Christ.

I love that band name. I mean band as in Musical Artist or Musical Artists.

I am having a cup of black coffee.

I had a cup of black coffee with honey at Galaxy Cafe yesterday.

Yesterday I read a little from Chapter 20, Special Transcendent Knowledge, of Insight by Bernard Lonergan. I also read a page of Stuff by Joy Williams, in the New Yorker, which may be my favorite periodical after National Geographic Magazine.

Anyway, what I really want to share is this:

I thought of the daughters in Captain Fantastic and if I were their father, Ben.

I want to fuck them so badly.

I love their red hair.

I believe the physical desirability of those two actors was a major factor in casting them.

I thought of raping them and brainwashing them with orgasms, so that they are obsessed only with fucking me, cumming and making me cum.

The thoughts aroused me intensely, like right now... I love Beck {:

But, I felt intensely shameful and sad about these thoughts of Rape and Incest.

I told myself, I cannot sincerely or honestly want to rape or defile anyone. I should not be turned on by these thoughts and fantasies. I should not have these fantasies. I do not want these disgusting and dehumanizing thoughts and fantasies. I have watched SO much porn. I think I am funda-mentally broken, but hopefully I am not beyond repair.

Is that an incorrect or improper use of the word "hopefully?"

I am watching Austin news. I love the anchor Shelton. Sorry... it's the other Black guy. His name is Brandon. I love him.

I still think of killing myself often.

I am still almost always uncomfortable in my Body.

I am the Body of Christ.

Reality is the mystical Body of Christ, The Father The Son The Holy Ghost

Good bye.

Three Parallel Lines

44 minutes and 44 seconds

a music CD

an audio file

a recording of sounds

a transcendence of everything that is not I

Ascend to I

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Not Everything's Ambiguous (Titles Should Be True (Good Rules to Follow ) )

Everything's ambiguous. That's the way I like it.

Ambiguity's not good for me, but I still like it.

Everything's not good for me, but I still like it.

Not Everything's ambiguous, but I still like it.

(( Poop in your Butt ))




I am pure

God hates me

I love that fucking chick. She would be such a perfect flawed mother to anyone and everything....

Fuck me.

I'm dead,

I'm God

I love Beck

I am going to kill everyone to death

I hate Everything

I love myself

Why is all of this so hard

shit sucks

shit is crazy

I need some help

This is therapeutic

This is carthartic

This is helpful

I do not hate or love anymore

Everything is okay

I am going to be a good person

I am going to be loved

I am changing the world

I am going to change the world for good

I am Die-Abetic

The End

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


What Language Are You ?

What Language Is This ?

The title of this is a combo of the words Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, French, Chinese, Swahili, German, and English.


I used to be so much more than I am right now

It used to be 10 years ago.

I want to watch Black 20 on

I wonder what that will do to me... {:

I am so carefree and happy

I am on

I am so sad

and confused

I am so light

and dark

I am Annar

and I am a boy's pony

I ride to the


We eat





Soft Scream Teen
















Tuesday, July 19, 2016

It is painful to question the existence of suicide. It is painful to question the existence of pain. I want self-control. I want free will.

Dear, Mom,  ,
and dear Everyone.

I'm sorry.

Today is beautiful
Today is always beautiful

Nothing can ever be undone

I am Home, Alone again

I Love Music

I Love Myself and
I Love Everyone

I have let my health and my sanity slowly fade

This is not totally serious.

This is an experiment.

This is Emotional Expression

This is Artistic Expression

This is the last line of this poem.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Favourite Twin Peaks Characters

  1. FBI Special Agent, Dale Cooper
  2. Hawk
  3. Laura Palmer
  4. Leland Palmer
  5. Pete Martell
  6. Shelly Johnson
  7. Big Ed
  8. Donna Hayward
  9. Josie Packard
  10. Sheriff Harry S. Truman
  11. Major Garland Briggs
  12. Dr. Lawrence Jacoby
  13. Ben Horne
  14. Audrey Horne
  15. MIKE and the One Armed Man
  16. The Man from Another Place
  17. BOB
  18. Bobby Briggs
  19. James Hurley
  20. Deputy Andy Brennan
  21. Lucy Moran
  22. Nadine Hurley
  23. Log Lady
  24. Blackie
  25. Doc Hayward
  26. Eileen Hayward
  27. Norma Jennings
  28. Maddy Ferguson
  29. Leo Johnson
  30. Catherine Martell
  31. Hank Jennings
  32. Sarah Palmer
  33. Jacques Renault
  34. Jerry Horne
  35. Albert Rosenfield

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Favourite Letters of the English Alphabet

  1. A
  2. I
  3. O
  4. G
  5. W
  6. Y
  7. U
  8. Q
  9. L
  10. M
  11. N
  12. S
  13. B
  14. E
  15. D
  16. F
  17. C
  18. Z
  19. X
  20. K
  21. V
  22. P
  23. J
  24. H
  25. R
  26. I forgot a letter. Oh yeah. T. Tha's good. T represents the cross that Jesus was killed with. That was very bad, maybe the worst. Who knows. Maybe Jesus would have made life awesome for everyone forever if he just died of old age at 50 or whatever was normal 2000 years ago around the Middle East. I guess the nails were worse than the cross, because they kept him on the cross. And they were very painful. So things and people must get better. Why not? How can we not?
  27. Oh, there is no 27 for English.
  28. Good bye. God be with you.

Fucked Up Canada

Sorry, I'm crying; I'm listening to "Here I Come" by CocoRosie.

I talked to Aaron on cellphones less than an hour ago. We talked about 30 minutes or a little less. He told me about some interactions between himself and Meghan.

I thought it might make a good story. I thought of writing a story inspired by what Aaron told me about his relationship with Meghan.

I pooped (popped) my neck less than 1 minute ago. I wish I would never do that again.

I am listening to "Smokey Taboo" now. I do not like smoking (people smoking; it's okay if a fire needs to burn for warmth for new growth... lightning... bad things always must happen at some time to some thing in some context. It's called bad luck...)

I love the song "Street Hassle".

I like when people who are obviously confused and conflicted sing about Jesus or say His name. I am obviously conflicted and confused. Everyone has to be at least a little confused and conflicted.

I am going to make some llists.

Mom and I watched episode 7 of Twin Peaks this evening after watching some of Louie season 4. I really love that show and that season is my favourite.

I tuurned down the volume of the music in case my mom was calling for me. She might get hurt or get sick.

Some times things are funny.

I am going to start my lists now.

I like how lucky I am.

I like how easy life is


Sorry if you're dying soon OR any thing bad and I am doing more harm than good, I jkust want the best, but I fail to do what is best most of the time, BUT let us please believe that all will get better always {: PLEEEEEEEEASE, Peace to All, the end

Love, Greg

Gosh... my face, you know it, you are my friend. God night.... .... .... .... sigh.

Friday, July 15, 2016


A is for Acrostic, because they are fun and easy.
C is for Let's skip the letter B, because it's a Bitch.
R is for Ride this! (I'm holding up my right middle finger real hard a la Bob
O is for Obstacles that always keep your goals and glory in the pale distance... also for O denkirk, a la BOb
S is for Sometimes we must give up everything to gain the only thing we ever need...
T is for The Time to accept the truth.
I is for Me, because I wrIte this.
C is for the oCean and the Sea and to See what is real, because the real is not what we see alone but what we commune with creation in the everlasting love of Christ. Amen.
C ya later! ACROOOSTIC
Bobo Den Kirk.

The end

Apple and Peach

You walk forty miles
to the place where I was was born,
then up from the bottom
of a well you bring
an apple
with your name on it.

I bite into a peach,
spit the meat into your mouth,
then I swallow the pit,
after you
accidentally came on it.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

First and Last 5 as a Self-Sufficient Eater


Dog shit Diet

He killed. he cat
She had a hat, she
was very blueyellow
My ab roll shot
the hard stem in
the hot brown ground
deep fluffy; my dry
eye lift, she opens
her mouth grey-red
a squeaming rock
rotates, girl ferment


Tos   tada!

So, I begin. Now
it is 12 hours to
departure at
lightness and wetness

I hide behind wood
Time goes and dies
She saw my head and
walked away. I smell
thick socks from the
top drawer, afraid
and nothing no more.

Cheer Beer  ^o^


: * ~ } { ~ * % : / ~
Michael Horse
Kiss m. Robinson
on of cherry lips.

Large painting

Michael? Michele

Zero number of horses

Move the large container
to the side and
the back, watch the angle
of the beams,
support your mom


(Crude drawing of a farm house and a large woman)

Stop in South Africa
Soon A fall of Suffering
Follow Reess
Hot house
Near die
Bloon! POh!
Roger, Stable.


Aren't you Proud?

Is it 4:42 yet.

Yellow barge and

banner. Many motion

National upset

Blood in eye, 4 second

pulse, Convolute

Deer Coyotee. "Food"

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Greg's Real Fantasy (Prophecy)

I picked a head of cabbage,
green and light, and carried
it in my hands as I walked onto
an asphalt street and off to
a city. My Northern European
North American skin cells absorbed
ultra violet light. As night fell
and my feet were stuffed with blood,
filling out my worn-down dirty
sneakers, I went into a building
with a free restroom and sat
on a toilet and peed and pooped.

I set the cabbage on the counter
in front of the receptionist. He
looked at it with his thin brown
eyes. His neat dark hair rested
lightly on his almond-colored forehead,
and he said, "Do I know you...
sir?" He waited. "Do you have a
room here?" He peered at my eyes.
I stared off at the wall.
I breathed through my mouth.
Spit pooled behind my lower lip.
My eyes filled with water.
My legs lost feeling. I remember
a shitty generic painting of a sailboat
on a stormy sea. That was it.

Night fire
Not life

My mom is exhausted.
Sorry I have not done more.
Mom bot a birthday
cake for her staff.
She bot mini blueberry
muffins (breakfast cupcakes.)
She bot Klondike ice
cream sandwiches.
She bot all that at once.
It's not food.
I am listening to Fiddler's
Green by The Tragically Hip.
It ended as I was writing
"Tragically" in the last
I feel sad that I felt
superior to this singing
man. I do not understand
why he sang those words
in that way. He probably
wanted to and maybe he
wanted people to hear,
because he thought it all good